2.2. Copy the Configuration Files

On each host in the cluster:

  1. Grant execute permissions on the following scripts:

    • /usr/libexec/hdp/ganglia/setupGanglia.sh

    • /usr/libexec/hdp/ganglia/startRrdcached.sh

  2. Add the following line to both setupGanglia.sh and startRrdcached.sh:

    RRDCACHED_BASE_DIR="/var/lib/ganglia/rrds" right after if [ -z "$
                {rrdcachedRunningPid} " ] then
  3. Create the directory for the objects folder:

    mkdir -p /usr/libexec/hdp/ganglia
  4. Copy the objects files:

    cp <tmp-directory>/ganglia/objects/*.* /usr/libexec/hdp/ganglia/
  5. Copy the Ganglia monitoring init script to init.d

    cp <tmp-directory>/ganglia/scripts/hdp-gmond /etc/init.d

On the Ganglia Server Host:

  1. Copy the entire contents of the scripts folder to init.d

    cp -R <tmp-directory>/ganglia/scripts/* /etc/init.d/

loading table of contents...