Hortonworks Data Platform

Data Integration Services with HDP



1. Using Data Integration Services Powered by Talend
1. Prerequisites
2. Instructions
2.1. Deploying Talend Open Studio
2.2. Writing a Talend Job for Data Import
2.3. Modifying the Job to Perform Data Analysis
2. Using Apache Hive
1. Hive Documentation
2. Technical Preview: Cost-based SQL Optimization
3. Technical Preview: Streaming Data Ingestion
4. Vectorization
4.1. Enable Vectorization in Hive
4.2. Log Information about Vectorized Execution of Queries
4.3. Supported Functionality
4.4. Unsupported Functionality
5. Comparing Beeline to the Hive CLI
5.1. Beeline Operating Modes and HiveServer2 Transport Modes
5.2. Connecting to Hive with Beeline
6. Hive ODBC and JDBC Drivers
7. Storage-based Authorization in Hive
8. Troubleshooting Hive
9. Hive JIRAs
3. SQL Compliance
1. New Feature: Authorization with Grant And Revoke
2. New Feature: Transactions
3. New Feature: Subqueries in WHERE Clauses
3.1. Understanding Subqueries in SQL
3.2. Restrictions on Subqueries in WHERE Clauses
4. New Feature: Common Table Expressions
5. New Feature: Quoted Identifiers in Column Names
6. New Feature:CHAR Data Type Support
4. Using HDP for Metadata Services (HCatalog)
1. Using HCatalog
2. Using WebHCat
2.1. Technical Update: WebHCat Standard Parameters
5. Using Apache HBase
1. Cell-level ACLs (Technical Preview)
2. Column Family Encryption (Technical Preview)
6. Using HDP for Workflow and Scheduling (Oozie)
7. Using Apache Sqoop
1. Apache Sqoop Connectors
2. Sqoop Import Table Commands
3. Netezza Connector
3.1. Extra Arguments
3.2. Direct Mode
3.3. Null String Handling
4. Sqoop-HCatalog Interaction
4.1. HCatalog Background
4.2. Exposing HCatalog Tables to Sqoop
4.3. Controlling Transaction Isolation
4.4. Automatic Table Creation
4.5. Delimited Text Formats and Field and Line Delimiter Characters
4.6. HCatalog Table Requirements
4.7. Support for Partitioning
4.8. Schema Mapping
4.9. Support for HCatalog Data Types
4.10. Providing Hive and HCatalog Libraries for the Sqoop Job
4.11. Examples

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