6. Hive ODBC and JDBC Drivers

Hortonworks provides Hive JDBC and ODBC drivers that allow you to connect popular Business Intelligence (BI) tools to query, analyze and visualize data stored within the Hortonworks Data Platform. JDBC URLs have the following format:



Table 2.5. JDBC Connection Parameters

JDBC Connection ParameterDescription
hostThe cluster node hosting HiveServer2.
portThe port number to which HiveServer2 listens.
dbNameThe name of the Hive database to run the query against.
sessionConfsOptional configuration parameters for the JDBC/ODBC driver in the following format: <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<key2>; .... The configurations last for the duration of the user session.
hiveConfsOptional configuration parameters for Hive on the server in the following format:<key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<key2>; .... The configurations last for the duration of the user session.
hiveVarsOptional configuration parameters for Hive variables in the following format: <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<key2>; .... The configurations last for the duration of the user session.

The specific JDBC connection URL for a HiveServe2 client depends on several factors:

  • How is HiveServer2 deployed on the cluster?

  • What type of transport does HiveServer2 use?

  • Does HiveServer2 use transport layer security?

  • Is HiveServer2 configured to authenticate users?

    The rest of this topic describes how to use session configuration variables to format the JDBC connection URLs for all of these scenarios. In addition, the topic provides links to download the Hive ODBDC driver and instructions for using it.

Some HiveServer2 clients may need to run on a host outside the Hadoop cluster. These clients require all of the following .jar files to successfully connect to the Hive JDBC driver in both HTTP and HTTPS modes:

Off-cluster Jars Without Kerberos

  • hive-jdbc.jar

  • hive-service.jar

  • hive-common.jar

  • hadoop-common.jar

  • libthrift-0.9.0.jar

  • httpclient-4.2.5.jar

  • httpcore-4.2.5.jar

  • commons-logging-1.1.3.jar

  • commons-codec-1.4.jar

  • slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar

Off-cluster Jars With Kerboeros

  • hive-jdbc.jar

  • hive-service.jar

  • hive-common.jar

  • hive-shims-common.jar

  • hive-shims-common-secure.jar

  • hive-shims-0.23-*.jar

  • hadoop-common.jar

  • hadoop-auth.jar

  • hadoop-mapreduce-client-core.jar

  • libthrift-0.9.0.jar

  • guava-11.0.2.jar

  • httpclient-4.2.5.jar

  • httpcore-4.2.5.jar

  • commons-logging-1.1.3.jar

  • commons-codec-1.4.jar

  • commons-collections-3.1.jar

  • commons-configuration-1.6.jar

  • commons-lang-2.4.jar

  • log4j-1.2.16.jar

  • slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar

Embedded and Remote Modes

In embedded mode, HiveServer2 runs within the Hive client rather than in a separate process. No host or port number is necessary for the JDBC connection. In remote mode, HiveServer2 runs as a separate daemon on a specified host and port, and the JDBC client and HiveServer2 interact using the Thrift protocol.

Embedded Mode


Remote Mode



The rest of the example JDBC connection URLs in this topic are valid only or HiveServer2 configured in remote mode.

TCP and HTTP Transport

The JDBC client and HiveServer2 can use either HTTP or TCP-based transport to exchanbe RPC messages. Specify the transport used by HiveServer2 with the transportMode and httpPath session configuration variables. The default transport is TCP.


Table 2.6. 

transportMode Variable ValueDescription
httpConnect to HiveServer2 using HTTP transport.
binaryConnect to HiveServer2 using TCP transport.

HTTP Transport

Use the following JDBC connection URL for HTTP transport:



The JDBC driver assume a value of cliservice if the httpPath configuration variable is not specified.

TCP Transport

Use the following JDBC connection URL for TCP transport:


There is no need to specify transportMode=binary because the default transport is TCP.

User Authentication

HiveServer2 supports Kerberos, LDAP, Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM), and custom plugins for authenticating JDBC users connecting to HiveServer2. The format of the JDBC connection URL for authentication with Kerberos differs from the format for other authenticatin models.


Table 2.7. 

User Authentication VariableDescription
principalA string that uniquely identifies a Kerberos user.
saslQopQuality of protection for the SASL framework. The level of quality is negotiated between the client and server duringh authentication. Used by Kerberos authentication with TCP transport.
userUsername for non-Kerberos authentication model.
passwordPassword for non-Kerberos authentication model.

Kerberos Authentication

Use the following JDBC connection URL to authenticate the connecting user with Kerberos:


Kerberos Authentication with Sasl QOP

Use the following JDBC connection URL to authenticate the connecting user with Kerberos and Sasl QOP.


Non-Kerberos Authentication

Use the following JDBC connection to authenticate the connecting user without Kerberos:


Transport Layer Security

HiveServer2 supports SSL and Sasl QOP for transport layer security. The format of the JDBC connection URL for SSL differs from the format used by Sasl QOP.



Table 2.8. 

SSL VariableDescription
sslSpecifies whether to use SSL.
sslTrustStoreThe path to the SSL TrustStore.
trustStorePasswordThe password to the SSL TrustStore.

Hive ODBC Driver

Hortonworks also provides an ODBC driver as an add-on to the HDP distribution:

  • Download the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver from here.

  • The instructions on installing and using this driver are available here.

Some HiveServer2 clients, such as Apache Knox, may need to run on a host outside the Hadoop cluster. Such clients require all of the following .jar files to successfully use the Hive JDBC driver in both HTTP and HTTPS modes:

  • commons-codec-1.4.jar

  • commons-logging-1.1.3.jar

  • hive-jdbc-0.13.0.jar

  • hive-service-0.13.0.jar

  • httpclient-4.2.5.jar

  • httpcore-4.2.5.jar

  • libthrift-0.9.0.jar

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