3.5.1. Enable Remote PS Execution for Nodes in a Workgroup

You can set these in Active Directory via Group Policies (for a Group including all hosts in your Hadoop cluster), or you can execute the given Powershell commands on every host in your cluster.


Ensure that the Administrator account on the Windows Server node has a password. The remote scripting below will not work if the Administrator account has an empty password.

Enable remote scripting using Powershell commands

  1. On each host in the cluster, execute the following commands in a Powershell window with "Run as Administrator" elevation:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy "AllSigned"
    Set-item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value "Host1,Host2" 

    The last argument is a list of comma-separated hostnames in your cluster (for example, "HadoopHost1, HadoopHost2, HadoopHost3").

  2. On each host in the cluster, execute the following commands in a Powershell window with "Run as Administrator" elevation:

    winrm quickconfig
     winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="host1, host2, host3"}

    The last argument is a list of comma-separated hostnames in your cluster (for example, "HadoopHost1, HadoopHost2, HadoopHost3").

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