9. Upgrading HDFS Metadata

To upgrade the HDFS Metadata, run the following steps on your NameNode process machine.


This next step requires commands that need to be run with the SuperUser - ‘hadoop’. If you do not know the password for the hadoop user, then reset the password to a known password and continue.

  1. To reset, execute these commands in Administrator mode from a Powershell prompt:

    $username = "hadoop"
    $password = "TestUser123"
    $user = [ADSI]("WinNT://./$username")
    Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter "StartName='.\\$username'" | %{ $_.StopService(); $_.Change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,"$password"); }
  2. Start a command prompt in Administrator mode.

  3. Switch to the hadoop user:

    >runas /user:hadoop /savecred cmd

  4. Enter the hadoop user password.

  5. Execute the NameNode upgrade:

    >hadoop namenode -upgrade

    To view the progress of the upgrade, open the NameNode UI. When the upgrade completes, a message similar to the following displays:

    Upgrade for version -44 has been completed. Upgrade is not finalized.

    Do not finalize the upgrade at this time. Wait until after you have completed some further verification steps.

  6. Close the command shell where the hadoop namenode -upgrade command is running to shutdown the NameNode process.

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