3. Hive Ports

The following table lists the default ports used by the various Hive services.


Neither of these services are used in a standard HDP installation.

Table 2.3. Hive Ports
Service Servers Default Ports Used Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters

Hive Server

Hive Server machine (Usually a utility machine) 10000 Service for programatically (Thrift/JDBC) connecting to Hive Yes (Clients who need to connect to Hive either programatically or through UI SQL tools that use JDBC) ENV Variable HIVE_PORT

Hive Web UI

Hive Server machine (Usually a utility machine) 9999 http

Web UI to explore Hive schemas

Yes hive.hwi.listen.port

Hive Metastore

9933 http Yes (Clients that run Hive, Pig and potentially M/R jobs that use HCatalog) hive.metastore.uris