5. Prepare the Environment

To deploy your HDP instance, you need to prepare your deploy environment:

 5.1. Enable NTP on the Cluster

The clocks of all the nodes in your cluster must be able to synchronize with each other. If your system does not have access to the Internet, set up a master node as an NTP xserver. Use the following instructions to enable NTP for your cluster:

  1. Configure NTP clients. Execute the following command on all the nodes in your cluster:

    yum install ntp
  2. Enable the service. Execute the following command on all the nodes in your cluster:

    chkconfig ntpd on
  3. Start the NTP. Execute the following command on all the nodes in your cluster:

    /etc/init.d/ntpd start
  4. For using existing NTP server in your environment. Configure firewall on local NTP server to enable UDP input traffic on port 123. See the following sample rule:

    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT

    Restart iptables. Execute the following command on all the nodes in your cluster:

    service iptables restart

    Configure clients to use the local NTP server. Edit the /etc/ntp.conf and add the following line:


 5.2. Check DNS

All hosts in your system must be configured for DNS and Reverse DNS.


If you are unable to configure DNS and Reverse DNS, you must edit the hosts file on every host in your cluster to contain each of your hosts.

Use the following instructions to check DNS for all the host machines in your cluster:

  1. Forward lookup checking.

    For example, for domain localdomain that contains host with name host01 and IP address, execute the following command:

    nslookup host01

    You should see a message similar to the following:

    Name:	host01.localdomain

  2. Reverse lookup checking.

    For example, for domain localdomain that contains host with name host01 and IP address, execute the following command:


    You should see a message similar to the following:	name = host01.localdomain.

If you do not receive valid responses (as shown above), you should set up DNS zone in your cluster or configure host files on each host of the cluster using one of the following options:

  • Option I: Configure hosts file on each node of the cluster.

    For all nodes of cluster, add to the /etc/hosts file key-value pairs like the following:	host01

  • Option II: Configuring DNS using BIND nameserver.

    The following instructions, use the example values given below:

    Example values:
    domain name: “localdomain”
    nameserver: “host01”/
    hosts: “host02”/, “host02”/

    1. Install BIND packages:

      yum install bind
      yum install bind-libs
      yum install bind-utils
    2. Initiate service

      chkconfig named on
    3. Configure files. Add the following lines for the example values given above (ensure that you modify these for your environment) :

      • Edit the /etc/resolv.conf (for all nodes in cluster) and add the following lines:

        domain localdomain
        search localdomain
      • Edit the /etc/named.conf (for all nodes in cluster) and add the following lines:

        listen-on port 53 { any; };//by default it is opened only for localhost
        zone "localdomain" {
         type master;
         notify no;
         allow-query { any; };
         file "named-forw.zone";
         zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
          type master;
          notify no;
          allow-query { any; };
          file "named-rev.zone";

      • Edit the named-forw.zone as shown in the following sample forward zone configuration file:

         $TTL 3D
         @	SOA   host01.localdomain.root.localdomain (201306030;3600;3600;3600;3600)
         NS	host01            ; Nameserver Address
         localhost	IN	A
         host01		IN	A
         host02		IN	A
         host03		IN	A

      • Edit the named-rev.zone as shown in the following sample reverse zone configuration file:

         $TTL 3D
         @	SOA	host01.localdomain.root.localdomain. (201306031;28800;2H;4W;1D);
         NS	host01.localdomain.; Nameserver Address
         11	IN	PTR	host01.localdomain.
         12	IN	PTR	host02.localdomain.
         13	IN	PTR	host03.localdomain.

    4. Restart bind service.

      /etc/init.d/named restart

    5. Add rules to firewall.

       iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
       iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
       service iptables save
       service iptables restart

      Alternatively, you can also allow traffic over DNS port (53) using system-config-firewall utility.

 5.3. Disable SELinux

Security-Enhanced (SE) Linux feature should be disabled during installation process.

  1. Check state of SELinux. On all the host machines, execute the following command:


    If the result is permissive or disabled, no further actions are required. Else, proceed to step 2.

  2. Disable SELinux either temporarily for each session or permanently.

    • Option I: Disable SELinux temporarily by executing the following command:

      setenforce 0

    • Option II: Disable SELinux permanently in the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file by changing the value of SELINUX field to permissive or disabled. Restart your system.

 5.4. Set Up Password-less SSH

To have automatically deploy HDP in all your cluster hosts, you must set up password-less SSH connections between the master installation host and all other machines.


You can choose to install the HDP on each cluster host manually. In this case you do not need to setup SSH.

  1. Generate public and private SSH keys on the master install machine:

  2. Copy the SSH Public Key id_rsa.pub to the root account on your target hosts.

  3. Depending on your version of SSH, you may need to set permissions on your .ssh directory (to 700) and the authorized_keys file in that directory (to 600).

    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    chmod 600 ~/. ssh /authorized_keys
  4. Add the SSH Public Key to the authorized_keys file.

    cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
  5. From the master install host machine, make sure you can connect to each host in the cluster using SSH.

    ssh root@{$remote.target.host}

    You may see this warning. This happens on your first connection and is normal.

    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  6. Retain a copy of the SSH Private Key on the machine from which you will run HDP Installer.

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