4. Known Issues

  • One of the regression test for Oozie fails with MS SQL because java.io.IOException does not finish within the 600000timeout.

  • One of the regression test for Oozie fails with MS SQL because java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException does not finish within the 600000timeout.

  • Running MapReduce jobs using pipes is currently not supported on Windows.

  • Non-default compression codecs that are based on zlib or snappy are currently not supported on Windows

  • It is possible to encounter the following exception while starting the Hive command line interface (CLI).

    FAILED: Error in metadata: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ041, SQLERRMC: 
        Failed to create database 'metastore_db', see the next exception for details.
        ::SQLSTATE: XBM0JDirectory C:\Hadoop\hive-0.9.0\bin\metastore_db already exists.

    This typically happens when the user attempts to install and uninstall HDP repeatedly. In such cases, the directories for Hive might not get deleted properly on uninstall. You can use any of the following workaround:

    • Manually delete the metastore_db directory (C:\Hadoop\hive-0.9.0\bin\metastore_db).

    • Uninstall HDP, delete all the files in the Hadoop directory (C:\Hadoop), and install HDP again

  • HDP creates some files in the HDFS directory (C:\hdfs) that are not deleted on uninstall. This issue is observed when hadoop.tmp.dir is not defined to point to the C:\hadoop location. There is no impact on the deployment of your cluster. However, it is recommended that you manually delete the files in the HDFS directory (C:\hdfs) after you uninstall HDP.