2.3. Software Requirements

Ensure that you install the following on every host machine in your cluster:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (64 bit)

    1. Use the instructions provided here to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (64 bit).

  • Microsoft.NET framework 4.0

    1. Use the instructions provided here to download and install Microsoft.NET framework 4.0.

  • JDK 6u31

    Use the instructions provided below to manually install JDK in your local environment:

    1. Check the version. From a command shell or Powershell window, type:

      java -version
    2. (Optional): Uninstall the Java package if the JDK version is less than v1.6 update 31.

    3. Download the Oracle 64-bit JDK for Windows from here and run the JDK Installer MSI.


      Ensure that no whitespace characters are present in the installation directory's path.

      For example, C:\Program Files is not allowed.

    4. To validate if Java has been installed on your cluster host, go to the command shell and type java -version.

    5. Create a system variable named JAVA_HOME. The value of this variable will be the full path to installation directory for JDK.

      1. Open the Control Panel -> System pane and click on Advanced system settings.

      2. Click on the Advanced tab.

      3. Click the Environment Variables button.

      4. Under System variables, click New.

      5. Enter the Variable Name as JAVA_HOME.

      6. Enter the Variable Value, as the installation path for the Java Development Kit.

        For example, if your JDK is installed at C:\Software\Java\jdk1.6.0_31, then you must provide this path to the Variable Value.

      7. Click OK.

      8. Click Apply Changes.

  • Python 2.7

    Use the following instructions to manually install Python in your local environment:

    1. Download Python from here.

    2. Update the PATH environment variable. Using Administrator privileges:

      1. Open the Control Panel -> System pane and click on the Advanced system settings link.

      2. Click on the Advanced tab.

      3. Click the Environment Variables button.

      4. Under System Variables, find PATH and click Edit.


        If you do not have the item PATH, you may select to add a new variable and add PATH as the name and the location of the Python directory as the value.

      5. In the Edit windows, modify PATH by appending the installation path for your Python directory to the value of PATH.

        For example, if Python executable is installed at C:\Python27 then you must append this value to PATH.

      6. To validate your settings, from a command shell or Powershell window, type:
