
POST mapreduce/streaming


Create and queue an Hadoop streaming MapReduce job.




input Location of the input data in Hadoop. Required None
output Location in which to store the output data. If not specified, Templeton will store the output in a location that can be discovered using the queue resource. Optional See description
mapper Location of the mapper program in Hadoop. Required None
reducer Location of the reducer program in Hadoop. Required None
file Add an HDFS file to the distributed cache. Optional None
define Set an Hadoop configuration variable using the syntax define=NAME=VALUE Optional None
cmdenv Set an environment variable using the syntax cmdenv=NAME=VALUE Optional None
arg Set a program argument. Optional None
statusdir A directory where Templeton will write the status of the Map Reduce job. If provided, it is the caller's responsibility to remove this directory when done. Optional None
callback Define a URL to be called upon job completion. You may embed a specific job ID into this URL using $jobId. This tag will be replaced in the callback URL with this job's job ID. Optional None


id A string containing the job ID similar to "job_201110132141_0001".
info A JSON object containing the information returned when the job was queued. See the Hadoop documentation (Class TaskController) for more information.


Code and Data Setup

% cat mydata/file01 mydata/file02
Hello World Bye World
Hello Hadoop Goodbye Hadoop

% hadoop fs -put mydata/ .

% hadoop fs -ls mydata
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r--   1 ctdean supergroup         23 2011-11-11 13:29 /user/ctdean/mydata/file01
-rw-r--r--   1 ctdean supergroup         28 2011-11-11 13:29 /user/ctdean/mydata/file02

Curl Command

% curl -s -d user.name=ctdean \
       -d input=mydata \
       -d output=mycounts \
       -d mapper=/bin/cat \
       -d reducer="/usr/bin/wc -w" \

JSON Output

 "id": "job_201111111311_0008",
 "info": {
          "stdout": "packageJobJar: [] [/Users/ctdean/var/hadoop/hadoop-
          "stderr": "11/11/11 13:26:43 WARN mapred.JobClient: Use GenericOptionsParser for parsing the arguments
                    11/11/11 13:26:43 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 2
          "exitcode": 0


% hadoop fs -ls mycounts
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r--   1 ctdean supergroup          0 2011-11-11 13:27 /user/ctdean/mycounts/_SUCCESS
drwxr-xr-x   - ctdean supergroup          0 2011-11-11 13:26 /user/ctdean/mycounts/_logs
-rw-r--r--   1 ctdean supergroup         10 2011-11-11 13:27 /user/ctdean/mycounts/part-00000

% hadoop fs -cat mycounts/part-00000