3. Modify WebHCat Config Files

Use the following instructions to modify the WebHCat config files:

  1. Extract the WebHCat configuration files

    From the file you downloaded in  Download Companion Files extract the files in configuration_files/webhcat directory to a temporary location.

  2. Modify the configuration files

    In the temporary directory, locate the following files and modify the properties based on your environment. Search for TODO in the files for the properties to replace. See Define Environment Parameters for more information.


    Table 7.1. webhcat-env.xml



    hive.metastore.local=false, hive.metastore.uris=thrift://$metastore.server.full.hostname:9083,hive.metastore.sasl.enabled=no,hive.metastore.execute.setugi=true

    Properties to set when running Hive.

    templeton.zookeeper.hosts$zookeeper1.host.FQDN:2181,$zookeeper1.host.FQDN:2181,..ZooKeeper servers, as comma separated HOST:PORT pairs.

loading table of contents...